Drayden gym leader from pokemon gay sex

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She can be found on the first floor of Drayden's home in Opelucid City. In Black, she will teach Draco Meteor to the player's Dragon-type Pokémon if they have full friendship. In the summer, she visits Cynthia at Undella Town, as do the other female Gym Leaders and Elite Four members. She reappears at N's Castle where she and the other Unova Gym Leaders hold off the Seven Sages. Trainers who defeat Iris will receive the Legend Badge, along with TM82 ( Dragon Tail). In White, she is also revealed to be the Gym Leader of Opelucid City's Gym, which is the eighth to be challenged by the player. During this time, she acts as Bianca's bodyguard. In both versions, she shows up in Castelia City to aid the player, Burgh, and Bianca when Bianca's Munna is stolen. Rematch (Easy Mode/Normal Mode).

broken image Initial battle (Challenge Mode). Initial battle (Easy Mode/Normal Mode).

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